Thursday, October 24, 2013

outer reaches #1: rewards!

Here's a breakdown of the XP rewards from the first session.  I feel that it's fair to be transparent--that also gives you guys an opportunity to remind me if I forgot something!

Gold pieces secured (Holden's payment): 80 XP
Enchanted dagger: 100 XP
Potions (unidentified): 250 XP total
Silver goblet: 600 XP
Lacedon (ghouls): 178 XP total
Goblins: 53 XP total
Skeleton: 21 XP
Rust monster: 253 XP
Traps: 10 XP
Award for securing Holden's goods: 1,000 XP
Bonuses: 300 XP

Total: 3,045 XP

Divided by five players at the session, result is 609 XP per player, plus any applicable bonuses due to ability scores.

Regarding the loot:

The silver goblet found in the final chamber, once cleaned up, actually reveals it to be of remarkable workmanship--a coiled serpent forms the handle, the vessel itself molded to be the serpent's distended jaw.  Tiny rubies form the serpent's eyes.  If sold, it will fetch a handsome price--600 gold pieces.

The dagger, secured by Nash, has a silver handle of twin, coiled serpents, whose heads form the blade's guard.  The blade is undamaged by the passage of time, even underwater, and the edge still razor sharp.  It clearly bears some enchantment.  In practice, Nash discovers it to be a dagger +1.

Two potions in glass vials, stopped with wax, are discovered in the satchel.  One is a translucent, bluish liquid [discovered by Daisy to be a potion of healing], the other is a swirling dark red liquid with some sediment at the bottom of the vial.  If anyone wishes to taste either potion to attempt to determine their effects, please let me know...


  1. Daisy will drop a single drop of each liquid onto a dead leaf and a fresh leaf. Being very careful not to get any on her own skin. If no affect is clearly evident, she sniffs both taking note of anything specific. Provided she hasn't been killed by the scent of either, she stoppers both back up with the wax.

  2. Well done!

    The leaf definitely reacts to the contents of the first vial--withered areas of the leaf seem to be regenerated, revealing the healing properties of the vial. It's a potion of healing.

    The second vial, unfortunately, does not result in anything useful--both leaves remain the same.

    1. Does it have any sort of smell? Sweet, putrid?
