Tuesday, December 10, 2013

outer reaches rumors: goblins!

Spring turns to Summer, Summer to Autumn, and and our companions find themselves at ends in Riverside...

Several months have passed since the Sowing and the adventures surrounding.  The citizens of Riverside met the return of the companions with much celebration--having saved several of the crew and much of Holden's goods, they were rewarded as promised, and given places of honor during the numerous ceremonies and feasts of the Sowing.

Despite the successful resolution, a nagging interest tugged at the attentions of Granny and Kragh--that of the feral goblins encountered early in their journey.  Begging some time to investigate the matter and further help the town, the companions settled in for some time, finding work and recreation among the town's common folk.

Several outlying farms suffered from ferocious attacks of goblins and their diseased hounds. In the aftermath of one such attack, a suspicion of Kragh and Granny was revealed to be true--all of the goblins seemed to suffer from some kind of skin rash, and showed signs of disease such as pox marks and cloudy, though blood-shot, eyes.  It is unlike anything that anyone, including the town's healers and herbalists, have ever seen.

As Summer fades to Autumn, the occurrence of attacks, as well as their ferocity, only seems to increase--spurring the companions to act.  Is there some evil presence at work, a fell leadership behind the goblin attacks?  Is it just that the goblins themselves are raiding in preparation of Winter?  Is there magic at work, or is it some sickness that has affected the goblins' behavior?


In preparation for the next session, and as an offer to earn some extra experience (even for those that might not make the session, or that have yet to join in), any character may contribute posts detailing how they've spent the past few months in Riverside, or how they may have investigated the matter of the goblins.  I'll progress any sub-plots as necessary within the comments of the post, for questions and such.

As always, anyone who hasn't yet may also submit character backgrounds and descriptions.

I'm hoping to host the next session just prior to Christmas, perhaps Saturday, December 21st?  Please let me know if you think you might be able to make it!

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