Since Daisy has become a fixture at the Orphanage, she has made a vigilant effort to reduce her intake of alcohol. While she has not completely rid herself of the constant craving of the slight burn down her throat, she has resisted it, drinking only occasionally and always when the children are not around.
However, for some reason, on this night back in the Gilded Goblet, she seems unable to control herself. Whether it be the warm burning she felt from the candied spiders, the thrill of the moonlit discovery or the stories of the old Dwarf joining the party, she is unsure what has caused this sudden and urgent craving, what she is sure of is that she needs the ale in the mug in front of her. All of it. And more.
Daisy drinks till beyond she can remember. She awakes sleeping on the bench where she first met Fletcher. She immediately feels there is something she needs to remember, but has no idea what it is...good, bad...or very bad.